January 2010 - The Boiler Scrappage Scheme  
The Boiler Scrappage Scheme was launched to address the amount of old boilers in houses that are inefficient and expensive to run .
However, the boiler must be old and inefficient. And there is a limited number of the grants.
The grant is in the form of a cashback voucher that can be used  with us, or a similar firm, against the cost of installing a new boiler. But (another but) it has to be for an A grade boiler system.
Irrespective of whether you qualify for the cashback voucher in the scheme, we're happy to offer all our customers a £250 voucher against installation (by us) of any A grade central heating system. We will also, of course, assist you in applying fro your Scrappage Scheme

What are the benefits in upgrading your boiler?

New boilers have rated efficiencies of 90 per cent or more meaning that they use less fuel, resulting in lower CO2 emissions and running costs. Renewable heat technologies do not use fossil fuels, reducing CO2 emissions still further.

For example, this means by upgrading your G-rated boiler to an A-rated one, your household heating bill should drop by about a quarter - a saving, on average, of around £235 a year.


Who is eligible for the scheme?

The scheme is open to 125,000 householders in England living in an owned or privately rented home.

Please note:

i) If you are a householder (including tenants) under 60 you can only apply for the scheme if the boiler you are scrapping is in working order and is the main boiler used to heat the home.
ii) If you are a householder (including tenants) and 60 or over you can apply for the scheme regardless of whether the boiler you are scrapping is in working order. However, it still needs to be the main boiler used to heat the home.

Only householders and landlords who privately own and rent dwellings are eligible to apply for a voucher. Boiler installers and manufacturers, local authority registered social landlords, and housing associations are not eligible to apply.



Scheme Overview and links:

The Scheme is offering up to 125,000 households £400 towards the cost of upgrading their boiler (if G-rated or equivalent or worse) to a high efficiency A-rated one or a renewable heating technology.

Qualifying for the Scheme

Check your boiler eligibility
if you have problems, with this, just call us and we'll tell you over the phone. Call 0117 939 3542.

Enquire now - call 0117 939 3542